November 16, 2013

off the wagon

so, obviously I have fallen off the NaBloPoMo wagon...partly because everyone in our house has been sick with something or other all week and partly because there are just some days when I don't have anything to say :) I mean, I'm a pretty opinionated person, so I guess I always have something to say but not necessarily anything y'all would be interested in. 

I was hoping this weekend would be the tail end of the germ party that we've been hosting but, alas, Alden woke up with a stomach bug today and Nick was at the doctor yesterday with strep throat. 

Cheers to a weekend full of sick baby snuggles, lots of laundry, undone chores and tons of family couch time :) 

much love, L&N

1 comment:

  1. So sorry everyone has been sick- 'tis the season right?? I hope y'all feel better soon!! Sending get well thoughts your way!
