March 14, 2013

Alden's first month

Wow. I can't believe it's already been over a month since we welcomed our little man into the world! 

This first month was full of adjusting, healing and peaceful cocooning at home. We were so lucky to have had Nick home for the first three weeks and have really enjoyed his flexible schedule since. He was able to spend a lot of time getting to know Alden and getting used to our new life.

So here's a recap of our first month as a family of three and lots of pictures!

getting checked out

7 pounds 13 ounces and a weird cone head :)

trying to get used to the world

a very tired Daddy with Alden after his first sponge bath

looking a little worse for wear. anemia and exhaustion are not a good combination.

in his sweet going home outfit

getting ready to leave the hospital

first car ride! 

going home :)

meeting the dogs...

After delivery, I lost more blood than expected and my iron levels dropped drastically. Within a couple hours of giving birth I had passed out once (on the bathroom floor, waking up to 5 nurses surrounding me with smelling salts and not remembering any of it...) and had gotten close to passing out a few other times. I was told not to get out of bed without my nurse present and was told to focus on resting and getting my blood sugar back up. After testing my blood levels and some talk of a transfusion, the midwife decided that since I hadn't fainted since the first night, I was able to get to the restroom by myself and since I had family in town to help at home she was comfortable letting me recover at home with a double dose of iron supplements and a "red meat diet" (haha). I was happy to avoid the transfusion but was essentially down for the count for the first couple weeks. I am so thankful that Nick and my parents were here to help, especially since I couldn't even walk down the hallway by myself much less do any chores or carry the baby around. I got a little depressed (understandable after major hormonal changes, exhaustion and anemic) and was especially bothered by not being able to do anything. I felt out of touch with everything around me since I couldn't be up and around and, physically, just felt like crap. I definitely felt a little like a cow those first days home- I couldn't get up to get the baby so someone would hand him to me, I would feed him and then I would hand him back so I could get up...

I don't know what I would have done without Nick and my parents. Nick did laundry and dishes, bathed and changed the baby and helped me get around the house and get showers. My parents were lifesavers, too. They made trips to the store, helped make dinner and even got up in the middle of the night to let us get some sleep! 

The week after my parents left, Nick's parents came to visit. They were equally amazing with helping out around the house and were so great about running errands for us when we needed them to. I was still under the weather so we basically just hung out on the couch. It was great to have them here and we were so glad they had the chance to come meet Alden! 

hanging out with Far Far and Grandma Wiese

Essentially all we did for the first two weeks...

Alden has been a great eater from the beginning and, so far, breastfeeding is going well. I was SO sore for the first week but it has gotten better (slowly) ever since. Now that I'm back to 100% and we've gotten to know each other a little better, we've found some new positions and feedings are much easier. We've mastered nursing while lying down which has made our nights MUCH better- it's amazing how much of a difference it makes to not have to get out of bed and walk over to a chair every feeding. For the past two weeks I've been pumping in addition to nursing so that I can build up a supply for when Alden goes to daycare. That has made everything more difficult but it's only temporary, so I think I'll live :) 

We're trying really hard to get into a routine and we've at least gotten the evenings/nights figured out. Nick and I start making our dinner at the same time every day so that we can eat either right before or right after Alden eats (depending on his schedule for the day). On nights we give Alden a bath we make sure he's done in the tub in time to have a feeding and then go to bed. Nick and I have been going to bed between 10 and 10:30 at night (so funny, especially for Nick, since he would never have been in bed that early before the baby) because that's when we get the longest stretch of sleep before the next feeding. All in all, it's exhausting but it doesn't last forever. We just keep reminding ourselves of that ;) 

We've been to the pediatrician twice (4 days old and 2 weeks old) and at both visits we've had perfect reports! By 2 weeks old Alden had gained back all the weight he lost (plus 2 ounces) and was up to 7 pounds 15 ounces. His head circumference was 14 inches and he was 22 inches long (already grown an inch and a half!). Our next appointment is at the beginning of April and I'm excited to see how big he's gotten :) 

and here's a ton of pictures...

monkey faces

playing with Mama
so tiny :)

enjoying our mini photo shoot

1st pediatrician appointment: February 7, 2013

two weeks old

1st outing: The Fresh Market, February 19, 2013

1st real bath after umbilical cord fell off

not such a happy camper ;)

three weeks!

one of my favorite pictures :) it just cracks me up! 

four weeks old!
first time on the playmat

staring at his second favorite thing in the world: the ceiling fan

cutest outfit ever. 

Mommy and Alden's first day out by ourselves :)
what weekend mornings look like :)

more updates soon. 

much love, L&N